Starr Hall LinkedIn
Many people know that they should use LinkedIn for their business but aren’t exactly sure what to do. Some even begin to set up an account, but just do some basics and stop there. If this is you the video above will give you some simple tips to take you to the next level. This list of Eleven tips is geared towards non-profits, but the information applies to business as well. If you want to take it over the top I’d recommend LinkedInfuence, a $97 product from Lewis Howes. While I haven’t used this product myself, I’ve listened to Lewis several times and he always delivers great information. (4/13 update – Since this was originally written, I have purchased this program. I’m still implementing it, but have already seen results, with people contacting me.)

So, if you have a Linkedin account, make sure your profile is filled out 100%, do the other things in the video and 11 tips article that apply. If your business would greatly benefit from LinkedIn, you may want to take it to the next level with LinkedInfluence. If you have any questions post them here and I’ll do my best to get them answered.