Copyblogger recently had a post Is it Time for Content Marketers to Abandon Facebook? by Sonia Simone. It was exactly what I was trying to explain to a client the other day.
Here is a quote from there article
“This morning we republished our post on digital sharecropping, which is the dangerous practice of building your online business on someone else’s (virtual) land.
The latest in a long line of Facebook messes is a prime example of just what makes that a dangerous strategy. And the dangers won’t stop with Facebook.”
They are referencing the recent change that Facebook made which makes it more difficult for a business pages posts to show on their fans newsfeeds. Facebook along with any other social media platform can make changes at will which may leave a business scrambling to overcome the changes or having to learn new tactics in order to keep the platform working for them and providing a ROI. This is why I and so many others advise to not only direct traffic from other peoples sites back to ones business web site, but also to get them on an email list. If the things posted on Facebook, Twitter etc. also go out in an email, a larger percentage of fans will get to see the businesses message. Even if the email isn’t opened the your name or your businesses name is seen helping to keep it top-of-mind, so they’ll choose you when they’re ready to purchase.
Here is another quote from the article
“Never build up an outpost at the expense of your home base. Your home base is something you control — a place where you pay the bills and you make the rules. In other words, it’s your primary site.”
Build the content on your site, and share it from there to other platforms. Have you noticed a decrease in your reach on Facebook? Share below.
Please excuse my very newbie question. I do not have a Facebook account and I am not sure that I need or want one. What is your post suggesting in regard to Facebook?
Scott, The point is that Facebook, or any other social media platform may have value for a business if their customers are on that platform. But, that shouldn’t be the only place to engage with them. A business or nonprofit should also have your own site and try and engage their Facebook fans on their site as well. Since you’re working on your site/blog, focus there, when that is set-up and more comfortable, then reconsider Facebook.