Goal setting vs themes and New Years Resolutions. With 2015 now one month old many who set Resolutions are well on their way to forgetting them and continuing life as usual. I’ve never be big on New Years Resolution and the reason most don’t get accomplished in my opinion is they are goals without a plan. There are many goal setting theories and methods and one of them is doing a yearly plan.

This year, for the first time, I made a plan, with specific goals, etc. for the coming year and am excited and encouraged to see what will happen this year. One of the things I’ll be incorporating in my planning this year is the “why”? Listening to various successful planners, knowing your “why” helps when momentum and motivation is low. It’s what keeps you on track when things get difficult or as Michael Hyatt says messy.

Another thing I’m doing for the 2nd time this year, and what this post is really about, is having three words as themes. Chris Brogan explains it best. In his tradition here are my words from last year and this years words.

2014: Create, Ask, Listen

And the words for 2015 are, drum roll please,

Green: Eat more green food. In business make more green as in $. These are my two many focuses but with all this green thinking I might even become nicer to the planet.

Movement: Move my body more, burn more calories. I also want to continue moving forward in my business and help others move their businesses forward too.

Simplify: Less is more, I tend to hang on to, to many things and I can make things more complicated than they need to be. Being creative and always having ideas, can make focus and simplicity challenging.

If you know me and see me struggling with any of these, feel free to call me out or come along side. If you’d like to join in, share your three words in the comments below.

Whatever your goal setting theory is I hope your next twelve months, whether its the New Year the middle of the year or something else will be happy and prosperous!